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The Journal of Steroid Biochemistry and Molecular Biology
Copyright © 2001 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved

Volume 70, Issues 4-6,
Pages 115-262 (September-October 1999)

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Influence of glycosylation on the clearance of recombinant human sex hormone-binding globulin from rabbit blood, Pages 115-121
Patrice Cousin, Henri Déchaud, Catherine Grenot, Hervé Lejeune, Geoffrey L. Hammond and Michel Pugeat
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Progesterone metabolism in human fibroblasts is independent of P-glycoprotein levels and Niemann¯Pick type C disease, Pages 123-131
Jie Zhang, Ling-Jie Ming, Jan Sjövall, Harold W. Cook, Neale D. Ridgway and David M. Byers
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Regulation of cell growth of a progestin-dependent murine mammary carcinoma in vitro: progesterone receptor involvement in serum or growth factor-induced cell proliferation, Pages 133-142
Caroline Lamb, Marina Simian, Alfredo Molinolo, Patricia Pazos and Claudia Lanari
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Expression of mRNA and proteins for testicular steroidogenic enzymes and brain and pituitary mRNA for glutamate receptors in rats exposed to immobilization stress, Pages 143-149
Mukaila A. Akinbami, Gundala H. Philip, Rajagopala Sridaran, Virendra B. Mahesh and David R. Mann
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Hormonal effects on hamster lacrimal gland female-specific major 20 kDa secretory protein and its immunological similarity with submandibular gland major male-specific proteins, Pages 151-158
Velvizhi Ranganathan, Nihar Ranjan Jana and Prabir Kumar De
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Progesterone-transforming enzyme activity in the hypothalamus of the male rat, Pages 159-167
W. P. Eechaute, W. S. Dhooge, C. Q. Gao, P. Calders, R. Rubens, J. Weyne and J. M. Kaufman
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Biotransformation of genistein in the rat: elucidation of metabolite structure by product ion mass fragmentologyn, Pages 169-184
Nick G. Coldham, Laurence C. Howells, Annalisa Santi, Clara Montesissa, Claudia Langlais, Laurence J. King, David D. Macpherson and Maurice J. Sauer
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Orexins stimulate corticosterone secretion of rat adrenocortical cells, through the activation of the adenylate cyclase-dependent signaling cascade, Pages 185-188
Ludwik K. Malendowicz, Cinzia Tortorella and Gastone G. Nussdorfer
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Biological aromatization of 4,6- and 1,4,6-androgens and their 6-alkyl analogs, potent inhibitors of aromatase, Pages 189-196
Mitsuteru Numazawa and Akiko Yoshimura
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Sensitivity of virally-driven luciferase reporter plasmids to members of the steroid/thyroid/retinoid family of nuclear receptors, Pages 197-201
Lynn M. Everett and David W. Crabb
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Regulation of 11-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase type 2 by steroid hormones and epidermal growth factor in the Ishikawa human endometrial cell line, Pages 203-210
A. D. Darnel, T. K. Archer and K. Yang
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Inhibition by aldosterone of insulin receptor mRNA levels and insulin binding in U-937 human promonocytic cells, Pages 211-218
Javier Campión, Begoña Maestro, Felicísima Mata, Norma Dávila, M. Carmen Carranza and Consuelo Calle
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Intracellular distribution of a cytoplasmic progesterone receptor mutant and of immunophilins cyclophilin 40 and FKBP59: effects of cyclosporin A, of various metabolic inhibitors and of several culture conditions, Pages 219-228
Marie-Claire Lebeau, Ingrid Jung-Testas and Etienne-Emile Baulieu
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Crystallization and preliminary crystal structure of the complex of 17-hydroxysteroid dehydrogenase with a dual-site inhibitor, Pages 229-235
Dao-Wei Zhu, Robert Campbell, Fernand Labrie and Sheng-Xiang Lin
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Expression of CYP19 (aromatase) mRNA in different areas of the human brain, Pages 237-241
Birgit Stoffel-Wagner, Matthias Watzka, Johannes Schramm, Frank Bidlingmaier and Dietrich Klingmüller
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Increased biological potency of hexafluorinated analogs of 1,25-dihydroxyvitamin D3 on bovine parathyroid cells, Pages 243-248
Yasuo Imanishi, Masaaki Inaba, Hitoshi Seki, Hidenori Koyama, Yoshiki Nishizawa, Hirotoshi Morii and Shuzo Otani
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Effects of matrix components on aromatase activity in breast stromal cells in culture, Pages 249-256
Anne L. Quinn, William E. BurakJr. and Robert W. Brueggemeier
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Expression of sex steroid receptors and IGF-1 mRNA in breast tissue ¯¯ effects of hormonal treatment, Pages 257-262
Erika Isaksson, Lena Sahlin, Gunnar Söderqvist, Eva von Schoultz, Britt Masironi, Marie Wickman, Nils Wilking, Bo von Schoultz and Lambert Skoog
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Index, Pages V-VII

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Index, Page VIII

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